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来源:学大教育吴老师     时间:2016-04-20 17:20:38

英语中情态动词,比如:can(could),may(might),must,should 等等,虽然数量不多,但用途广泛。情态动词的过去式可以帮助说话的人表达对过去的推测外,还可表示过去没有实现的可能性(即某事本来可以发生,却没发生)。快来挑战一下你对情态动词的理解吧。

1. I’m not surprised he’s angry with you. You ____________ his laptop with asking yesterday.

a) shouldn’t have borrowed

b) shouldn’t borrow

c) couldn’t borrow

d) might not have borrowed

2. I’m surprised she’s not at home. She ____________ work an hour ago.

a) should leave

b) ought to leave

c) may have left

d) ought to have left

3. I wish I’d never told him my secret. He ____________ anyone or I’ll be really angry.

a) had better not have told

b) must have told

c) would not have told

d) should have told

4. It ____________ who broke the equipment. I wasn’t in the lab that day.

a) could have been me

b) must have been me

c) couldn’t have been me

d) mightn’t have been me

5. I’m sure he’s not ignoring you. It’s possible that he ____________ you yesterday.

a) could have seen you

b) saw

c) would see

d) might not have seen

6. I gave it everything I had. I ____________ any harder than I did.

a) couldn’t have tried

b) couldn’t tried

c) would have tried

d) shouldn’t have tried


1) a, 2) d, 3) a, 4) c, 5) d, 6) a.

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